Student Advice and Support

Students may receive guidance, mentoring, and advice from a diversity of staff and faculty relating to personal, social, spiritual, and academic life. Resident Social Deans for Men’s and Ladies dormitories are available for student mentoring involving all aspects of campus life.

Student Learning Support

At-Risk Students can utilize the resource of a Faculty directed program for students providing assistance towards improving college study skills.

Health Services

  • Health Services: School nurse on call for medical needs.
  • Area Orientation: maps provided for new students detailing area medical services.
  • Evaluation: Survey polling student life, activities, and social interaction on campus.

ADA Policy

Penn View Bible Institute (PVBI) provides equal opportunity for all qualified persons without regard to disability in the recruitment of, admission to, participation in, treatment in or employment in the programs and activities operated and sponsored by the Institute in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and other related federal and state law. [ Full ADA Policies (.docx) ]